Three of my favorite flavors might actually be beneficial for weight loss.
Lemon, honey and cinnamon can help with weight loss. Too bad I didn't take Richard Simmons advice, way back in the 80's, and start each morning with a glass of warm lemon water instead of coffee. I remember trying it, but after adding a huge spoonful of sugar, pretty sure it didn't help me very much!
For me, this has been a much healthier option than taking appetite suppressants and shots for weight loss. Believe me, I have already been down that road and it was great for getting the weight off in a hurry, which I think is great, but did nothing for keeping the weight off long term! I am hoping for long term weight management and getting my guts healthy for overall health. So until I find out otherwise, this is the healthiest option for me in my opinion.
I squeeze a
lemon every morning and get about 4 tablespoons of juice from it. I use one tablespoon each morning and evening in my lemon and cinnamon tea. The remaining two tablespoons I add to my filtered drinking water. Lemon increases metabolism and has Vitamin C and folate as well as
phytonutrients, with antioxidants and antibiotic effects.
Cinnamon is a good source of manganese, fiber and calcium plus blood sugar control. Cinnamon helps with anti clotting by keeping platelets from unwanted clumping. It is also beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels by slowing the rate the stomach empties which keeps blood sugar from rising and dropping too quickly as well as helps the cells respond to insulin which helps keep blood sugar levels normal.
Honey has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. But the quality of the honey is so important. Try to buy local raw honey from reputable sellers. Or buy organic raw honey. If I had some property, I would find a bee keeper and let him use my land and he could pay me in honey! Or maybe the hubs would learn how to become a bee keeper LOL!! Maybe I need to check into that.
1 TSP organic ground Cinnamon or use Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks
1 TBSP organic raw Honey (optional)
1 TBSP fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 cup hot water
- Pour hot water over cinnamon and let steep, covered, about 5 minutes. Strain through a fine mesh coffee / tea filter if you don't like the texture as cinnamon doesn't mix very well with water. Or use cinnamon sticks.
- After cinnamon has steeped 5 minutes, add honey and lemon just before drinking. Stir well.
- Drink every morning and about an hour before bed.