Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What I Am Eating Today AIP

What I am eating today:
 BREAKFAST: saute together:
1 Vidallia Onion, sliced
1 cup Organic Girl Baby Spinach, chopped very tiny like you would parsley

SNACK:  1 cup beef bone broth that I made yesterday

1 whole Avocado mashed with sea salt and lime juice
1 whole organic banana, skin was light green
3 ounce package Alaskan Wild Caught Sockeye Salmon, I squirted a little lemon juice on it but I need to get some pickles (with no sugar) to cut up in it
3 ounce Green Wise Chicken Breast cooked in crock pot
Baked Sweet Potato (not organic)
1 cup organic broccoli steamed then mix into the following:
Saute the following three veges in olive oil:
1 cup organic yellow squash
1 cup Organic Girl Baby Spinach chopped very tiny
1 Vidallia Onion
SNACK:  Granny Smith Organic Green Apple cooked in coconut oil topped with cinnamon