Monday, August 18, 2014

Eggs, Specific Carbohydrate Diet Allowed Food

Eggs are one of the foods that I was never too sure about.  If I ate eggs for breakfast, I generally got a tummy ache right after eating them.  I would be in the bathroom sometimes ten times in a 2 hour period making it very difficult to even leave the house before noon.  Eating them later in the day or for dinner could go either way. 

But, was it the eggs or the coffee full of high fructose corn syrup creamer that I used to drink while eating them.  Or was it the processed bread, full of gluten and lots of additives including high fructose corn syrup, that usually accompanied the eggs.  Or was it because they were not organic eggs...what had the chickens been eating and how much of that was in the eggs I ate!  Or was it just my very unhealthy gut!  So many variables.

I started eating pastured, organic eggs about a week ago.  I really don't like eggs very much but thought I should try them first before reintroducing any other foods.  That way I would know if I can use them in recipes. The recipes in the book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, use a lot of eggs.  I am not sure how much I will use eggs but it gives me options. 

I have eaten eggs for lunch and dinner boiled, scrambled and fried in olive oil with the yellow cooked well.  I still haven't eaten eggs for breakfast, only for lunch or dinner.  I am too afraid that first thing in the morning would be too much for my gut to handle just yet...don't push my luck. 

So far, my tummy is happy and I haven't noticed any increase in pain, brain fog or increased fatigue or insomnia after eating eggs.

I think the three months of following the anti inflammatory diet has had a very positive impact on my gut and my overall health. 

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